Haven't updates in like CENTURIES =P LOL
Breif things
__School is OUT!!! Yay!!
__I went to a festivalfor 4th of July...boo!!
__I went to a white BBQ (it was nice)
__Did A LOT of shopping (Woo hoo!!)
__I'm going to Dominican Republic in like next week (= X scared of planes)
__I have to ask my father for $80 for hygiene stuff this week and I'm scared (such a wuss man!!)
__I have to ask him for a big amount of $$$ next week too (typical: hair, nails, eyebrows =D)
__My mommy got this digital camera I think last week and she took pics around the house just to test it...it SUCKS!!! LOL...so I decided to post pics from the BAD camera
not a great pic of Kathy LOL
dark pic of my little sisters
Kathy and grandpa
living room
blurry pic of my mami (crappy cam!! lol)
Wow...I look a HOT mess LOL
Kathy and grandpa again
My mami loves taking pics of the house LMAO
uh uh...I HATE how i look in this pic