
Dec 23, 2005 13:08

it has been a wild ride lately. i have been enjoying it for the most part. i like that i am getting out more but the lack of sleep is rough.

I am so excited to have my sister back. not only is she really back to being herself and a wonderful person. i am even more excited that we are back to being friends. really in a lot of ways we were never friends before and certainly not like this. it is wonderful. i got the best christmas present that i could by having her back in my life.

tessa is struggling quite a bit right now. i am hoping that she will get through this quickly but i unfortunately think that this is going to be a long haul. she tends to have a hard time bouncing back. i will keep up with her and what is going on in her life. i will do everything that i can to help her. i know that having some mommy time is part of what she needs and she will get that. she needs to have my attention and is really missing me so i am going to do everything that i can to make that easier until i can do something about seeing her more. she needs her mommy to be there for her and i will not let her down if there is any way that i can avoid it. i talked to her the other day and gave her some ideas on how to deal with things and who to talk to. i expressed to her that it was important to talk to Erin about the things that are bothering her and to let her help because that is what Erin is there for.

things are going better with my brother in some respects. he is really looking at the fact that he needs to get some stuff done. he is doing better with the baby and she obviously loves him. she gets real happy when she sees her daddy. i am trying to teach her to say dada and she looks at him most of the time when i say it to her. it is so cute. i am really enjoying being an aunt. it has been great fun! i cant wait for her first christmas but i am looking more forward really to the next couple when she knows more what is going on.

martha is doing well now that she is back at work. i do not get to see her with the baby much because most of the time that i am there she is at work. it is obvious when i do though how much they love each other.
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