pang of rejection...yet again

Jun 07, 2005 20:31

ok so i didnt make it in to grifftones...again. god i feel so bad right now. im tired of feeling average. i know i can sing welll .....FUCK! i hate thisi should have never tried out in the first place it was just a completel waste of time. i was setting myself up for pain and i sure as hell got it...i just feel so average. GOD DAMMIT! and right before i have to concentrate on exams WHAT THE FUCK! so now i feel useless and average and ihave three more exams to study for. this sucks so much. whatever so now im not taking grifftones or choir next year...why be spending my time dooing something im just ok at when i could try something else right? so if thats the case then why am i so sad?
lol i hate the grifftones.
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