Sep 26, 2004 20:42

Right I've had a shitty day so thought I'd rant.

Hopefully I am, I can't really tell because LIVE JOURNAL IS SHITE!!!!! fucken shittty fucken most unsuseful user interface on the web piece of fucken crap!!!!!!
All I want is a "God, click here to rant!" button!
Instead I get this shitty Flash thing that takes you through 70 different things and you find your in the wrong bloody thing so need to click back 70 times, I swear, the shite out of a donkeys arse is more useful!....go whipe your arse with a cactus live journal web designer!!!!
I bet this thing cancels out all the fucks and shits I've just used. Arse jockies

Now for the real rant.

Work sucks!, big time!....I turn up, nice and bright at 8am...who the fuck gets up at 8am on a holiday?????, actually I was up at 6 to be at work for 8!!!
So today must have been "lets piss off Trevor day", as I find I need to empty and run 3 cages of bulk on my own...fuck me, I must have annoyed someone, or more likly we were understaffed.(cause I'm God, everyone likes me).
Cages are just as they sound, metal cage like structors on wheels containing whatever they contain that are delivoured to us by a nice big white lorry.
Bulk is things like boxes of bags for the tills, golf stuff, heavy stuff, boxes of socks and pish, which is really bulky and heavy.
So here I start, everything is hunky dorey, untill I realise I need to do a fucken 400 meter walk carrying heavy stuff to get to the bloody shop as Breahead managers are arse wanks and put shitty things up to stop us taking the cages to our back door.
Normaly you run bulk with around 5 people, oh and the majourity of it is upstairs, so heres me on my todd, after the first cage which made me pretty tired, carrying heavy stuff upstairs and crap like that, as the shoe guys decide on filling the lift with shoes to go upstairs, WANKS.
I get halfway through the 2nd cage and the shop opens, I only spotted one shopper so thats cool.
Time for the 3rd cage, full of fucking golf stuff and the heaviest cage of them all. The shop is mobbed atthis time. Every single fucker at that time is an ignorant wank, normaly you move out the way when you see someone carying heavy boxes, hell, you normaly move out the way when soeone says "excuse me"...but take 5 of those plus the heavy box and all I get is wierd looks as if there trying to figure out what I want, then they turn around and carry on their fucken conversation still in my way untill I "accidently" walk into them, and then I hear them saying how ignorant I was for walking into them!!!!
I so need a punchbag!, too bad its against the law to use 70 year old ignorant fucks.

It's not even the oldies!....I let the 7 year olds away with it, but the parents, COME ON TO FUCK!

Parents are so screwed up, on the way to collect another box from the back a coustomer asks to get something down from the top, be it any other day and they;d still have ice on their eye, but at the time it was a good break, so here I go and get 2 items down from different p[laces after fetching the ladder ect.., then the boy wants another top, and he was on the road to being my best friend for keeping me away from carrying heavy stuff, then his mother says "imagine that was you getting everything down, we can get it naother day as I bet you wouldn't want to get all these clothes down"....so that was that,m back to carrying heavy boxes!!!!!!

I swear, I'm visting the boxing section before I start work tomorrow, just incase I get asked to carry something heavy, I'll have the gloves already on.

Right enough of that pish, its very unGod-like of me.

Looks like I'm going to see The Calling on the 16th, one of the guys from work has a spare ticket and wants me to go with him and another bloke, shouldn't be bad, have a drink before and afterwards no doubt. So who is all going to this gig?....and anyone got any idea how to get there?, none of us do,heh.

Doing an 8am-1pm at work again tomorrow, then come home to the joys of a full Texual anaylises to do, as well as 2 lots of Computing and 2 lots of Buisness Managment homework.....should have done some earlier but I wasn't in the mood...too pissed off and tired.

Oh, Guess who is soon to be let lose on the open roads?
Yup correct, I'm going to be getting a motorbike pretty soon, the one I'm looking at is in the pic below (but Blue instead of red, and new instead of used). Should be doing my CBT soon, then all I need is the bike and insurance then I'm sorted.

I think I'll watch that Forhmat 9/11 or whatever its called tonight....the joys of the Barras.
Oh, DON'T watch Open Water....its the shitest film ever with the gayest ending ever!!!!, it has "cheap and low budget" through the whole film....the idea was good mind, but everything else from the crew to the fiished product is shite.

Also, everyone mark a date in your calender
SATURDAY NOVEMBER SIXTH(06/11/04), you are all going to have £7 (plus travel money) with you, and you will all be at the Sir Matt Busby Sports Center at 6pm to watch Moi, It's a semi-big event, and is a big event for me, so be there and support a friend!

Right I'm off to grab grub and watch this movie....it better be better than Open Water, thats for sure, otherwise today was a waste of time!.
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