Friends Only

Apr 18, 2015 10:25

After much thought, I've decided to friends-lock this journal. Nothing happened, there's no drama-I just felt as if a bit more privacy suited this LJ better.
If you're looking for my fics, you'll find all of them unlocked over at my fic journal, antoshevu.
If you're already on this journal's flist... Well, here you are. Nothing's changed! If you're not, and you really want to read my grumblings, mumblings, chest-beating and hair-pulling about my family, fandom or the world at large, comment here; if I don't know you at all, I probably won't friend you back immediately, so be patient.
In any case, thanks!
Oh-the banner above? Based on art by the ever-wonderful reallycorking / corkart

friends only
