
Jan 16, 2005 17:08

friday was a very excitin day...i finaly went to the movies..woohooo i went wit chelsea S chelsea G ick amanda reannen kelly sarah and kim...i think thast it..uh-yeah we saw coach carter...great fuckin movie bitches!! but the end is gay!!!!! ne way it was really fun we got there early n i got a free pin :) lol and we did the games n shit n w/e and then evreyone got there n idk...cant rememer al,l the way back to friday!! its sunday! ummmm so we find seats and amanda n nicolle go down to the floor level seats cuz they want peace and quiet to make out liek they always do...hahaha jk
o AND THEY TOOK ALL THE FOOD and dumped all the m&m;s in the popcorn so that was nasty uhhhh...o yeah and the guy in the movie-coach carter- his head looked liek mr lees...shiny n bald and he acted liek him to so that was funny..lol I DONT REMEMBER NE THING SO SCREW FRIDAY!!! after the movies we went back to chels G house and o boy was that fun..we were downstairs in chelseas little apartment lookin thing lol and haha we were talkin to this kid and hes liek racist n he had so many black preson jokes...they were mean tho I GOT SUM FOR YA

wat do u call 1000 black ppl on a hill....a mudslide
wat do u call a black baby wen it goes to heaven...a bat
how can a black girl tell shes pregnent?..stick a banana up her crotch n if it comes out half eatin u no thres another monkey on the way
^ ok well those are all mean im just givin sum examples

ok so thenw e were gunna sneek out n go to this kids house real qucik n we decided to try to go out the garage n that ddint work so we got to the front door n i was gettin my shoes on my phone ringss n we ran downstairs so we forgot about that idea and haha i grabbed one of chelsea sisters dollscuz they freak out chelsea S and i grabbed it n made it attack me n i fell on the floor n was flippin out lmao and hah it was great ummm...went to bed at 4 n then got up n went home...that sums it up..o wait n then al the sudden we were sttin there eatin teddy grams n we start tryin to make them in eachothers mouths and i threw one in chelsea G's mouth n it went down her throat n she started chkokin...hahaha it was so funny

im done wit this il,l rite about saterday later

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