Jul 02, 2012 12:29
I'm so sick of all the "Help! Help! I'm Being Oppressed" whining from some Christian groups.
Meanwhile, those same Christian Groups can go to my Pagan friend's house, where her yard decorations, which are tasteful and fit with the landscape, but are not Christian yard decorations, make it clear that she is "probably" Not A Christian, and judge her for her difference in beliefs? If I can put a cross or a statue of a saint in a garden to show that I'm a Christian, she should be able to display her faith in the same way in hers.
But it's completely Okay for these people to knock on her side door (because the front door has a warning that "Solicitors and Uninvited guests will be drawn and quartered") and lecture her on religion? Specifically, "The Word Of God."
Guess they were too afraid to walk through her "Pagan Sin Garden," which has lush foliage and a flowing fountain and celebrates the beauty of nature. How dare she be at spiritual peace and have faith and be proud to show it outside the confines of her own home!?
All while they're "still praying for religious freedom"?
Rage Rage Rant Rage Rant.