Before I start I will say that my story is not for those who are easily grossed out, and without any doubt do not think you can open this at work. Especially the pictures.
So my day was starting out as it usually did with the prepping of reservations and the creation of keys. A man walks in to the lobby, he is roughly 5' 11", caucasian, most likely in his 40's, and clearly enjoying his smokeless tobacco as I see it coming down his lip. He asked me how much a room would cost him, I quote him the asking price the corporation wants us to sell at. He asked me if I have anything cheaper.
Sadly with the recent problems my nation's economy has been having we're not really selling room like we used to. There is a cheaper rate, a rate my boss told me I could sell at to ensure we get steady business. I go on ahead and quote that rate. He tells me that he doesn't have enough money to buy the room, but that it's a good rate. He says he will call his friend and his friend will give me his credit card over the phone.
I stop him immediately, under no circumstances can I check in a person on a called in credit card. It's not so much a rule as it is just common sense. If the property doesn't have a copy or record of the card presented the owner of the card can deny the charges and we have nothing to fight back on it with, basically we lose money. Worst case scenario the card is stolen and things get real heated. The absolute horrifying scenario to occur is that my boss gets angry for doing it again and she fires me as it is my third write-up in a 10 month period.
The guy gets angry at me, calls me every name in the book, even writes a few new ones. In the end I stand my ground and say I won't take the card over the phone, he can fax or email me copies of the card and then I'll let him stay. He then asked me if he could use the bathroom, I direct him, he's in there for about ten minutes and leaves with no fuss.
A couple hours later I have the urge to pee, it's an eight hour shift, all the coffee you can drink, it's just bound to happen. I go into the bathroom and proceed to do my business. After I'm done I wash my hands like any well-trained desk clerk does. After drying my hands off with a paper towel I open the garbage can with my foot and see an item sticking out of the a pile of paper towels
As a matter of fact I did find it odd that such an item was in the garbage can. Becoming somewhat curious I grabbed the protrusion and pulled it out of the can. Immediately the smell of shit hit me like a falling piano as I looked down and see the entire end of this plastic rod (that thank god I'm not holding) is covered in shit.
Yes, that is a picture of a plastic rod covered in shit. The rod was shallowly buried amongst the paper towels and as such I am lead to assume that the gentleman who I had last spoken to and was the only person who has shown up all day while I've been working, pulled that rod out of his ass and stuck it in the garbage can.
Somehow I'm not surprised.
Obviously cross-posted to