One of my biggest beefs with the current state of Judaism is the complete lack of condemnation of those who believe that the late Lubavicher Rebbe, R'Menachem Mendel Shneerson zt"l, is the Mashiach. Well, in Australia, a bunch of Mashiachists held a "Seudat Yom Tov" - a feast for a holy day - on the Tenth of Tevet, a day that is a fast day. According to the logic of the Mashiachists, since the Mashiach has already come in the form of the Rebbe, this particular fast day is now a holy day on which one must feast.
In steps Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Telsner, the head of Chabad of Melbourne, with enough guts not only to condemn these fanatic worshippers of yet another split-off religion from Judaism, but to offer a
rabbinic decree to put them in cherem. Kol Hakavod, R' Telsner.