Jan 03, 2004 15:49
ok, so i'm a little late on the ball, but i figure i'd hop on the everyone-make-a-"happy new years"-post bandwagon.
since my last post:
-had a pretty eventful New Years Eve. Hung at Meaghans for a while til the ball dropped - just sat around and ate/talked w. the girls in our parallelogram while the guys played some [BOR-ING] game. then went over to jacob's w. matt, yigit, linds, miguel, hunter, and alex and partied up. got pretty drunk from drinking games and whatnot (gah - i can no longer say "i've never thrown up from drinking"). talked to my washu peeps cynthia and ameet (who told me some really funny stuff). passed out or something and woke up to 6 faces hovering inches above my face, talking about pulse and breathing and ambulances. oopsies.
-uk lost to louisville. i was there at the game. it was sad. shut up sudip and you other louisville people.
BUT today we whooped tarheel ass (well, not really, more like "barely scraped by"). still, a win's a win.
-i went skiiing with allison, matt, eli, kristen, and jacob at perfect north. i had never gone before and was sooooo bad in the beginning (aka i couldn't even use the rope pulley to get to the top of the hill....i kept falling and getting my skis tripped up in the rope -- got lots of stares from the 5 year olds effortlessly gliding by). BUT, by the end of the night, i was tearin' up some pretty tough slopes. it was soo much fun, but i won't be going too much cuz its a hefty 60 bucks per time.
-the weather has been superfantabulous and we all went to the park and played some football, soccer, keepaway and other sportzy things
-finally saw Lord of the Rings 3. i didn't even fall asleep this time! it was pretty good until the end and then it got all boring. saw some other movies too like zoolander and supertroopers and silence of the lambs and not another teen movie and american wedding. don't waste your time w. those last two.
-fun times w/ everyone....played euchre and catchphrase and scattegories and other fun games w. a buncha peeps at Goms/Hyuns. went to lunch w. a lotta peeps yesterday to Charlie Browns. learned all i ever wanted to know about deadly australian animals at hunter's. going to Yigits tonight for a final gettogether before
everyone leaves for schooooooooooool.
everyone but me.
i'm here til the 20th.