(no subject)

Aug 26, 2010 17:34

Our perceptions are the view of the world the way we see it. In relation to change, the way you perceive the idea of change will determine your response towards the change itself.

For example, a person who has been in a long term relationship, stays in a relationship that clearly makes them unhappy and unfulfilled.

They may perceive leaving the relationship as a negative move, others will see it quite the opposite.

They may view being single as negative and believe they are unable to move their life forward on their own.

They may perceive that it requires another person to make them feel complete.

The threat of being alone, single and feeling hurt may prevent that person from embracing change and enduring the pain of the relationship instead.

It doesn't have to necessarily involve a person being 'hurt' to encourage a person's resistance to change.

In general, people have a resistance to change because of fear. A fear of loss , security or comfort and sometimes all three.

We all have a level of comfort that we live in and that provides us a level of security. This level is different for all of us.

However, continuous indulgence in our comfort levels can prevent us improving, growing and experiencing greater levels of happiness and success.

Sometimes it is a good thing to get uncomfortable. Not too uncomfortable where you never leave your station, but enough to stretch you beyond your current level of comfort.

This will be a perfect time to introduce a quote. I can't remember who said it but it says: "To experience the ocean, one must be prepared to lose sight of the shore."

To experience the bigger offerings life has to offer you whether it be in your career, relationships, health, finances or spirituality you need to be prepared to leave your current standing point to see further and go further.

How can you stretch yourself beyond your current level of comfort today? What benefits could you experience if you moved beyond your fear of loss and current level of comfort?
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