Aug 26, 2006 22:20
I am a horrible student.
Meanwhile, Drew's sitting behind me and reading the 60 pages we have for history homework. Whilst I waste my time on the internet. I just don't want to read for histrory! I'll read Beckett, or Keats, or even Harry Potter... Benvenuto Cellini just doesn't peak my interest.
First week of school went by crazy fast. I am so so so tired, but it's an accomplished tired. I'm beginning to feel how much of a load 18 hours is, but luckily my classes are mapped out well enough so that I don't have more than one test on the same day. Greek and Thai are already difficult. I've pegged them as my most-fun-learning but least-fun-studying classes.
The best part of my schedule is that I get to see Drew every morning; we're working, running, and taking a class together. As music and linguistics majors, we only see each other for dinner outside of work/class. He practices in the evenings, I study; he works on the weekends, I study. So even though it's not the most personal time we get to spend together, at least it's time.
I still feel like I have a million things to do outside of school. Most has to do with wedding planning and paying for stuff, and for a lot there's nothing I can do about it except wait. I'm one of those persons where, if I know of something that needs to be taken care of, I want to do it now instead of putting it off. Patience is teaching me that somethings are out of my control, and that I must sit back and let it go. It's a hard lesson.
I went swimming with my sister today (she's staying the weekend). It's the first time I've been in forever. I've forgotten how much I love it. I also had a sno-cone. I promised myself that I was just taking Krystal to get one, not me. Oops.
Speaking of my sister, she's having minor surgery on Thursday. About a year ago she broke her ankle (roller skating, of all things) and had to have screws put in. Since then she's hit a growth spurt that disaligned the screws. So now her ankle's been hurting her and inhibiting her walking, so the doctors are going to go in and remove the screws, hoping that a blood clot will take their place. So nothing serious, just something to keep in your prayers.
Far away there in my sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them,
but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them,
and try to follow where they lead.
-Louisa May Alcott