We woke up at the South house on the day of my birthday. I had a little too much to drink the night before with my favourite sluts (MichT+Clarence+Catherine). To digress a little, I stumbled home, washed up and got into bed. I thought I was on a boat and my boat was rocking like mad... and somewhere, somehow I fell off the bed with a loud thud! That woke my boyfriend up, and after he carried me back into bed, he sat there laughing at me for the longest time!!
Ok, stop laughing. Anyway, the next morning, he bugged me to wake up early despite my hangover, saying we had to collect my present before the shop closes at 1. Our roles were reversed for a day - usually I'm the one bugging him to get up for breakfast (my fav meal) with me, and him begging to sleep longer. Miracle. We went to the North house, had my favourite chicken rice and headed out again.
Even when we got into the cab, he didn't give the cab driver the specific address, just vague directions. He lied to me a few more times during the journey, and we even alighted quite a distance away from "the surprise" and had to walk there. And silly me only realised it was all a trick when we got to the entrance of Naumi Hotel! This was the second consecutive year to spend my birthday at Naumi!
No wonder he was carrying such a big bag filled with stuff and was folding his work clothes for the next day when we were at at his place! Little did I know in his bag was my overnight stuff. He took the liberty to pack 3 dresses, 3 tops and 3 bikinis for me cuz he didn't know what I'll want to wear to work the next day! All that clothes for just one night! lol. When my dad heard about the amount of stuff he packed, he joked, "Wah, 4 days 3 night stay uh?" The boyfriend even remembered to pack my contact lens solution, can you believe?!
Then when we were chilling by Naumi's rooftop pool, he told me he had already liaised with my dad and let slip that I should expect another surprise later in the day. The day went by with us spending time with my family... and at 10+pm, when we were back in the hotel room, the doorbell rang. A & C appeared at the door with a birthday cake! I never expected him to contact my friends to come by and surprise me! I was pleasantly shocked, and A let slip that Sher would be coming by later too! :)
I had a really great birthday, thanks to Joel who planned it all. Birthday with family, friends and him. What could be better? =D
Oh yes, and I forgot to mention that my parents baked me a cake! A super delish butter cake! My mom, my sister and even my dad put in effort to make me my special birthday cake! Super touched. I love my family! :)
Pictures up soon!
Okay, so here are the pictures. As promised. Didn't have time to add in the pictures earlier cuz my manager came back from wherever he went, and I was ending work anyway. Hah. So here I am, another boring day at work... uploading pictures. So there.. twasn't some sorta trickery.
I love y'all! And also my girls who couldn't make it, I love you all no less. :)
But I might love Ivan MOST for giving me the heartiest laugh this birthday! He could choose to do the body shot on a lady who was getting married soon, but NO, he chose to do it on Gino instead... only to have his head grabbed and shoved into Gino's crotch!! Geesh.
Oh, one more thing: Never believe the boyfriend when he says "dress casual", "chill out situation" or anything to that effect.. cuz it'll only be ME dressing casual while he dons on a nice button down shirt. Sian.