I like how you feel in my hands

Nov 16, 2010 18:25

My very first product from Apple.
Was never a fan.
Lemme see if this will convert me.

All my pesky pesky friends (you know who you are) have been pestering me to get my iphone since forever. So I finally got it. You happy now, people? Now they've moved up a notch to pestering me to download whatsapp. HAHA. Just waiting for my 3G to be up. I wonder what they'll pester me to do next. :p

Love y'all neeways!

Life's good. Minus the end-sem test. Come Monday, I'll be free(r).. until the new year comes.

Last night, the boyfriend treated me to dinner at his workplace, Bistro Du Vin.

A bowlful of goodness - mussles, crayfish, crab, prawns etc etc. Whoa. I can't go on without salivating. It was sublime!

Dessert - all made in house. Nice.

And wine to complete the meal.

Eating and watching my man at work. Love watching a man at work. I find that really sexy.

He made coffee for me too. :) So love.

And just for laughs... ...

HAHAHAHAHHAHA!! As Jerlisa says, the Nippon paint ambassador.

relationship, love, life

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