Literacy Test tomorrow. =S

Mar 28, 2006 16:16

Weeeeeeeeeee~ I can blog today!!! XD

I was so sleepy when I got up. XD;; Anyways that's not the point. I was eating breakfast when I heard on the news how teens are sleep deprived. And I thought, they just notice that now? >.>;; It's true though! They were saying how teens should get nine hours of sleep, yada, yada, yada... is that really possible to achieve everyday? o.O I don't think so. XD They also mentioned that being easily angered and moody can be due to the lack of sleep people have. *nods* That makes sense. XD (not being sarcastic)

What did we do...? O.o Oh right! We talked about biomes and the Canadian Biomes and made notes and that's about it. He sang for a while. That song that goes like, "Every breath you take, every move you make, I'll be watching you..." or something like that, I don't really know it well. He was saying how it's a good song and I COMPLETELY DISAGREE. It may just be me but singing that to the woman you supposely love is just FREAKY. It sounds like the guy's obsessed with the girl. *shudders* Scary. After that, there was nothing else that was interesting. XD

Six out of thirteen presentations were done today. Tasha volunteered to go first and hers was so detailed I felt bad. XD;; Then Ms. Hishchak randomly picked someone and I was looking at Flo's pic of J.Lo and thinking: if she calls my name, then I must be really meant to go second XD; Guess what? She did call my name. XD I find that kinda odd and cool at the same time. XD Ack. I let my nervousness take over me again and I stuttered a little. ^^; At least people liked my bristol board though. =) I like my class, everyone was so supportive of each other. =D Hahaha XD Sharon was so funny. When our teacher went to get the projector, she stood up at the desk and danced + sang. Argh. I don't remember the song now T-T it's a catchy one too! >< Oh well, but it was funny. XD

Nothing out of ordinary. Kimi-chan and I chased Gwen for a while saying how you-know-who won't buy the plushies. XD I bet you he won't! T-T Yet I'm not confident with my own belief... the guy seems persistent. XD Just look at the "extra miles"!! Teehee, they're so cute for each other. X3 Gwen, you did not read anything that will make you hunt me down. >.>;; Anyway, I'm going off track. =.=;; Did the Civics homework for most of the period and that's about it. x.X

He gave us a sheet to do that's due Thursday and I have only half the idea of what I'm doing. XD Then he talked about the Literacy Test tomorrow and we just played the Blues Solo, Sailors Hornpipe, and Prelude No. 4. We also started doing some of the Free-Stroke exercises and I'm so not used to using my ring finger. XD;; It felt weird... like everytime I used it, I felt this tingling feeling that I could barely take! XD *needs more practice* There's nothing more after, Mr. Mootrey tried to convince us to play a duet with him and called us chickens and all. XD Francis was like, "I am a chicken." XD Haha.

We got our tests back and I did pretty good! =D We talked about some of the points on the answers on the "The Power of Nightmares" sheet and she collected like three sheets today. I handed mine in because she said she'll mark it with the knowledge that we did it before she gave us ideas. XD We watched Fahrenheit 9/11 after and it was just so... *no comment* XD; Oooh! I asked Stefi if she was going to the Battle of the Bands this year and she said definitely. ^^ She also said that she might be in it and if not, next year. That's so cool! X3 She was like, "I finally have a band!" and I thought that that was so awesome. *wants to be in a band too T-T* Hahaha, I don't think I have what it takes though. XD;; My guitar skills are nothing but basic stuff and my singing is just ordinary. *sighs* I want to perform someday... like in the Battle of the Bands or something... that'd be so cool! But then, I bet you anything I'd be too nervous and mess up. ^^; Oh well, I'll just cheer for Eve of Exile [<3], Stefi's band (if they're performing), and enjoy the show with my friends. =3 Woot! I can't wait for it! XD

[After School]
I found out that my locker was wide open around 2:30 pm and that our lock was missing. Then Ayesha told me that they took my jacket and Ayesha's calculator to the office. Ayesha got it back so it's all good but the idea of it being "wide open" is just weird. =S Well, lesson learned. Always keep the locker locked from now on. ^^;

[Bus Stop Observation]
I was standing at the bus stop waiting for my sister and I randomly thought of "Simon". XD Hahaha, yes, Kimi-chan, that "Simon". I guess it's because I haven't seen him since Friday but anyways, when I assumed he wouldn't be there today, he just appeared all of a sudden. ^^; I actually thought he couldn't be that bad but when he crossed the road WITHOUT his sister and SHE crossed it after, I was like, "What a jerk. T-T" Hahah. XD I also saw these two guys that usually walk home together but today, they were on different sides of the road. The other one was on our side, while the other was on "Simon's" side holding hands with a girl. Like... that's a little awkward. I mean, I've always seen the two guys walking home together whenever they got the chance to, they were like best friends and seeing THAT made me think. XD Just because one of them is walking home with his girlfriend doesn't mean the other guy can't walk with them too right? XS They were walking at the same pace, you can draw a vertical line on the road and it'll be a match. Oh well... maybe something happened or I'm just thinking too much. XD; Ok yeah, I'm just babbling. =.= But still! I just don't get it...!

I saw so many couples and could-be-couples today which is pretty odd 'cuz I normally don't see that much. O.o XD There were so many PDAs that just made me go turn my head. Some were cute, yes, but when it's beyond that, it just feels really weird. ^^;

I've used "weird" a lot in today's entry, no? O.o XD Neeee... Literacy Test tomorrow. T-T Goodluck everyone! Anyways, I shall go do something now. XD


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