Oct 21, 2006 09:47
work. bichrant.
I was the manager on duty yesterday, and EVERYBODY decided to come in and want changes to their scheduales because either A. They forgot to ask off for something or B. We schedualed them when they couldn't work because of school etc. Mind you, I'm not the manager that does the schedualing >.> so I was doing the best I could.
Anyway. I walked up on Wendy (one of our new associates) whining to Kelsey about problems with her schedual. So I ask her what's wrong. And as the conversation progressed, my opinion about Wendy being kind of weird became stronger. And stronger.
Wendy (in this weird baby-ish voice): I was schedualed 12-3 on friday. And that just will not do. I have school until 1:00. So I cannot work 12-3.
Me: Well, sorry. I didn't make the schedual, two other people did, so they probably just forgot while they were passing it back and forth. *looks at schedual* We can cover your shift, no problem.
Wendy: But I only work two other days that week. I want to keep my hours because I'm not getting any.
Me: *looks again* Okay, well, what about Friday night?
Wendy: Friday night?!?!?
Me: o____O (thinking: okay, so Friday night isn't good?)
Wendy: Church is Friday night!!
Me: Ooooookay. *works something else out*
-Okay. I'm fine with people not wanting to work because they have church or school or whatever. But the way she said it, I should have known Church was friday night because everybody goes to church on Friday. Needless to say, the angel and devil were on my shoulders, screaming at me:
Devil: F*CK her! Tell her not to whine about hours if she is going to be so damn picky!
Ho damn. XD