Sorry for the delay but I thought I wouldn't finish this. It seems some readers made me change my mind and I'm so happy that this fic is that popular it made my heart melt. I promised my friend I would continue this and I usually keep my promises so here it is CHAPTER 3 after a loooong break. Gomenasai!!
Emma was jumping up and down holding Jin's hand while they were returning from the hospital. Ueda's mind was away, he wasn't watching the road, he could only hear Emma's words in her
sleep: "Tat-chan daisuki!!"
"Why is it that she frightens me? Why is it that I want to protect her? " Ueda hit a pebble and Emma turned around and stared at him.
"Is he coming with us?" she asked grabbing Jin's hand even tighter.
Jin sighed.
"Yes because he is living with us" he smiled and ruffled her hair.
"Shouldn't I be asking that?" Ueda mumbled...
"Come on Ueda I'm sure you'll get along. I was hard to swallow a child like her is even easier"
"But I love you!" Ueda argued with puppy eyes. "I don't love her. It's like I don't even exist for you since she appeared in our life"Ueda stopped walking and Jin faced him.
"You let her in, remember? Come Emma-chan he is in a bad mood"
Ueda didn't move he stared at his lover how he was holding her little hand.
"I'm sorry Jin...." he whispered and walked away in the opposite direction.
Jin was singing happily while Emma kept looking up at him once in a while with a bright smile.
"Jiiin..." she said and he faced her surprise and a big smile covering his face.
"You should marry mommy!" she continued, then she ran away from him.
"That..." Jin tried to explain but he thought he should just shut up ~you know Emma-chan I'm actually in a gay relationship and I only love Tat-chan~
"Is this a bad idea?" Jin asked himself but then he just shook his head. "Neah...I'm sure he'll be alright...we'll be alright"
"Emma-chan... what do you want to eat today?"
"You just ate onigiri"
"It's delicious. I want ONIGIRI!!"
Jin sighed. He was sure he could handle her... until her mother would return. When they arrived the apartment Emma-chan jumped on the bed and started laughing.
"Emma-chan stop it! You'll get a cold again!!!" Jin shouted and she stopped staring at him.
She fell on the bed and started crying.
"Where is my mooooooooooooooooooommmmy?" she asked rubbing her eyes until they became red.
"Emma... no...don't do this to me... Emma-chan I was just... " Jin tried to get closer to her but she was crying even harder. He forgot children get scared quite easy, especially when their mother
is not around.
"Tat-chan?!!" Jin screamed Ueda's name but he didn't answer...
"Where the FUCK did he go!!"
"I WANT MY MOMMYYYYY!!!" she kept screaming.
Jin took out his cellphone and dialed Ueda's number.
"Come on Tat-chan answer me..." his body was shaking and his nerves stretched at maximum when he realised he forgot about Tat-chan.
"Where did he go....?" he asked himself falling against the wall and hitting his forehead. Emma was still crying and this time he didn;t know what to do. Without realizing it a tear poured down on his face. He went towards Emma and grabbed her in his arms.
"Emma-chan pleaaaase stop crying. Please...." she was hiccuping and rubbing her eyes but she had finally stop.
"Onigiri..." Emma tried to hit Jin but he was already asleep. She yawned and her head fell on Jin's chest. Her tears made her sleepy.
When Jin woke up the next day he felt somehow guilty. He suddenly got up frightened by the idea that Tat-chan left him. Then he realized Emma wasn't in the bed.
"What happened ? Emma-chan, Tat-chan!!! Where are you ?"
The whole apartment was empty ... Jin was alone... He even looked on the window but no sign of them. He looked outside the apartment maybe Emma was waiting for her mother.
The whole apartment was empty ... Jin was alone... He even looked through the window but no sign of them. He searched outside the apartment maybe Emma was waiting for her mother but no sign of her there either.
His heart started beating faster, walking from one corner of the room to another. It was like a nightmare where you keep searching and you don't find anything.
He took his cellphone again and tried calling Ueda but he didn't answer.
Then he panicked...
"No!!!" he cried. " It can't be!! Did he leave me just because I wanted to help a little girl?" he rushed through the door, going down the stairs. The only place his lover could go was his mother's house.
"Hey mom!! Are you at home?" he asked on the phone. "Did Tat-chan come by your place by any chance? No? Eeto... no nothing happened mom, really" he hung up and sighed.
"Sorry mom... I really can't tell you..." he mumbled and went on searching for Ueda...or Emma... anyone...
"I'm so sorry Tat-chan... I really am... you are gone...she is gone...what am I doing now? Should I wait for you should I search for Emma...but...."
Then he realized both Ueda and Emma didn't really have a home besides his apartment, their apartment actually. He should had at least talk to him, find a solution, maybe search together for her mother . But he had been selfish and hadn't thought about Ueda's feelings. He only managed to hurt Ueda since he had appeared in his life.
"I will not forgive myself for this." Jin mumbled nervously.
As he passed by the park he stared at the children playing and his heart hurt even more. Then...among all the children he recognized one laughter he wouldn't be able to forget, not even in another lifetime. He saw Ueda playing with Emma in the park.
"Eeeeeeh?" his mouth fell open while Ueda noticed him and ran towards him waving his hand.
"Hey when did you wake up? Did you see the note I left you on the fridge?" Ueda was still smiling but his face became white when he saw Jin's angry expression.
"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" Jin shook Ueda's shoulder.
"What? What do you mean Jin... what's wrong with you!!!"
"Why didn't come back yesterday ? I've waited for you and Emma was crying..."
"Jin... are you alright?"
"The hell NO I AM NOT!! We returned home together from the hospital then I realized you didn't come back with us
"Baka!!!" Ueda started laughing in his nose. "The doctor that took care of Emma called me and said she forgot her doll and I went back to get it."
"And when did you return home?" Jin asked with a stupid face.
"While you were sleeping baka... with Emma in your arms. When she woke up this morning she came to me in the living room and said :~Tat-chan , Jin cried , Emma cried, where were you?~"
"She was crying for you?" Jin asked astonished.
"It seems like that ..." Ueda grinned. "She likes me Jin... but I forgot she is a child and children don't actually have hate inside them. It was just something she did to get my attention since yours was already in her hands" he laughed and hit Jin's shoulder. "I did not tell you that she spoke in her sleep when she was in the hospital... She said :~Tat-chan daisuki!!~"
Jin swallowed in emptiness he couldn't figure out if he was shocked about the things he found out or happy that Ueda didn't leave him.
"You are stupid as always and you panic so easily, didn't you notice the note I left you?" Ueda tried to stop a grin but he couldn't.
"NO!" Jin mumbled walking towards the play ground.
"Jiiiiin!!!!" Emma ran in his arms almost made him fall. Ueda laughed at the sight.
"You know Jin...I can really keep up with you if you let me be the mother." he continued touching his arm.
"What?No!! You already said that I act like a mother!!"
"Then i'm leaving you!!"
"No you are not I'm not letting you leave!!" Jin grabbed Ueda's hand while holding Emma.
She stared at both of them, her eyes widened and she giggled.
Hearing her, they both started laughing. They were like a married couple, like a family...
Oook this is it!! I hope I'll have ideas for the next chapter maybe some of you know how it is when you lack inspiration ...Gomenasai and please wait for more :)