Ocean's 11 part 2: Demachi

Jan 31, 2012 05:06

Yes, part 2 is posting before part 1 (which will be the play review). It's taking me longer than I expected to finish my review and report of Remi's ochakai, so I'm typing the easiest bit here: random notes about demachi. :D


So: Tokyo in January is FREEZING FREEZING FREEZING, and having freezing wind blowing does not help. I literally couldn't feel my fingers or toes by the end. ><

Nevertheless, the guard lined up by fanclub as always (Chie, then Toyoko, on one side of the street; everyone else by year of graduation). With no idea where to stand--I was the only Remi Club member there that day--I asked Yumesaki Nene's daihyou what to do. She was very friendly and called Remi "Remi-chan," I assume because Nene and Remi are friends. Nene Club wears a beige fur scarf, by the way, and there were four members that day (the same number Maa-chan Club had the day I did demachi for her, coincidentally). Color was lovely. Had to fight to keep myself from ranting against fur wearing, but lovely color. ^^ All very friendly, and filled me in on the rules, since Nene Club and Remi Club line up next to each other. Fan clubs aren't supposed to socialize, but Nene Club said that didn't matter as much to upperclassmen, and really only applied when ziennes were around.

As a whole, otokoyaku are a whole lot friendlier than musumeyaku. Yuzumi Mari, Remi (aww...) and a baby musumeyaku I didn't recognize went marching past us with their heads down, while even a lot of baby otokoyaku without fan clubs gave everyone friendly bows and smiles. Nene stopped for her club as briefly as possible before rushing on ("Hi. Letters? Thanks. Later."), while the only otokoyaku I saw doing that was Syuu Shiotsuki (bodyguard "Bruiser" with the giant spiky orange hair)--actually, she looked ticked off about something in general and had her daihyou hurring to keep up with her. I hope she's okay. @_@

Because Chie and Toyoko were on the other side of the street I missed a lot, but I saw Tokoko's club wearing bright red jackets and somebody waving to their club as they ducked into a car. I think Toyoko because the hair was lighter.

Yuzurun was all class. Her club wears black jackets with gold lettering, and it was as big as Toyoko's as far as I could see, and she stopped for several minutes in the wind to walk up and down among them and take every letter and smile at everyone and thank them. Incredibly sweet and gracious. Same for the otokoyaku next to Remi club, whose name I'm forgetting--who's the semi-star otokoyaku who's half-American, 2003 or later? Her club wore American flag scarves. Very sweet and attentive to her fans.

Then there was Mayuu Tsurumi (Yen). Oh my God, such adorableness should be made illegal. I cannot for the life of me remember anything she's done before this play, but in this play she was adorable, and after it she went BOUNCING up to her fan club, chirping, "Otsukare-sama deeeeesu!" She is TINY, like, she makes Sumika seem big tiny (168 cm my ass, she's fudging some numbers there), and bright and bubbly and leapt around all happy like it wasn't cold enough to give everyone frostbite, and I TOTALLY saw where everyone would wait for hours for this lady in the freezing cold!

I must go back through my Hoshigumi tapes and watch for her!

Anyway that was all I saw from my vantage point (except Makaze Suzuho's club wears grey scarves, and there's a decent number of them--she's rising well). Fun stuff.

suzumi shio, takarazuka, real life, hoshigumi, ocean's 11, yuzuki reon, shirahana remi, kurenai yuzuru, yumesaki nene, mayuu tsurumi

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