ooc: fairy deals

May 10, 2012 04:12

Shirley is a banshee and banshees are fairies and that means that she is involved in fairy deals.  From her application:

Shirley believes in exchange. You harm her? She has to harm you back. Harm a loved one? She'll go for one of yours if they're available and you if they're not. Learn something from her? You have to teach her something in return. When making deals, it's best to make a deal with Shirley based on something you can provide right at that moment because making an open-ended deal will come back to bite you in the ass. Shirley dislikes acts of charity because she's obligated to return it but she's often charitable herself only it's not exactly charity, it's just that she's obligating you to return the favour in the future. If you make a deal with Shirley then you will not get out of that deal unless Shirley puts it on hold until later - it's a part of her nature.
This post is for keeping track of deals and exchanges and to organise them if you want to arrange them.

completed deals - both parties have done what they have to do
incomplete - this incomplete deal means that a party owes Shirley
obligation - this incomplete deal means that Shirley owes a party

So, say you did a menial task for Shirley like changing her lightbulb, this obligates her to do a similar menial task in return.  Or say Shirley helped you out of a tight spot, this obligates you to help her out of a tight spot in the future.

BUT beware - you have to specify, at the time, what you will do in return.  Shirley will try to take advantage and if she doesn't get a fair exchange, she can get a little bit vengeful.

ooc: fairy deals

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