Oh, to not have to worry about this crap anymore.....

Dec 27, 2009 22:57

Not really looking forward to going back to school on the 12th, but with only 1 class to go it'd be a real shame not to. That and pretty stupid. Dear cousin Jon did that, and while it turned out fine for him, not everyone is given such a great deal to do what they want, enjoy it and get paid well for it too. Shoot, a quarter of people don't get that in any lifetime.

Another thing to not look forward to: Job. Ick. Who wants that? Well, those of us who want to get paid unfortunately. What's really unfortunate though is the job market for graphic designers, not to mention the job market itself. It'll probably be a while before I manage to get anything too close to what I've even been studying. If it does I'll probably end up going back to CFCC to take their drafting course. I always enjoyed drafting in High School and it was a real toss up between something to do with that and Graphic design. So that's another option for little ol me.

Last semester was a real pain. Which is unfortunate considering I only had the one class. I ended up with a 'B', and while that's really good considering, I feel that I was jipped, because that grade isn't based on the actual work I did, but rather the presentation aspect. I really don't know what he was expecting from everyone. He wanted all of us to be dynamic and detailed and, I'm sorry, most people can't pull that off. Especially those of us who can't talk well in public. And when I say can't, I mean can't. I don't mean I don't like to talk in public. Which is also true. I just mean I can't. It doesn't matter if I've had classes with these people for 2 years, I can't speak well in front of a group of more than 5 or so people. I get anxious, ok. My hands start shaking, my heart starts beating so fast that it makes my chest shakes, and I'm sorry, but that really doesn't help in the concentration department. Not everyone is a good public speaker.

Now, I got an 'A' in speech class, where we were taught to use notes and look people in the eye and speak up. But I get criticized for using notes on the final project (well, actually reading from them. Which tells me he wasn't paying attention to me at all, cause if he was he would have noticed that I had the whole friggin speech memorized. The paper was just in case I forgot something. And if the President can use a teleprompter, I should be able to have a piece of paper.) But what really bothers me is that while he graded everyone really hard on presentation, he was an awful public speaker himself. If he was standing at the front of the class, we usually couldn't hear him. He has a soft voice, and I'm sorry, but he was far from dynamic. I'm starting to really think that his hard grading in that department is self loathing more than anything else. I also think it's hypocritical to grade people so hard on something you suck at yourself.

I've noticed I've babbled a bit in that last section. Can you tell I'm a little bitter? Does it show? *shrugs* Oh well. I'm just glad I don't have to have him for portfolio class, which will be hard enough as it is, without having to worry about his presentation grades.

Ok, I'm done venting.


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