yo! it's been a super long while, hasn't it? i just wanted to post an update post since i switched my layout again, which btw, was created c/o
introject from
unequally. you like? be sure to check them out!
i still keep up w/my LJ comms, which keeps me tied to LJ; but all my current blogging is now done over at
wordpress.com. so if you're over there, let me know your journal name so i can keep up to date w/you as well! if not, i'll see you here in the comms!
you can also
follow me over at
twitter. are you there? let me know, i'll totally follow you back. ^^ if you're not, what are you waiting for? it's micro-blogging in 140 characters or less and lots of fun once you get into it!
well, that's all for now. i want to say i hope to keep this journal more updated and that i will try, but i wouldn't hold your breathe for it, lol. i'm here for the my friends & comms, first & foremost! and changing my layout sporadically.
until the next update... ja!