(no subject)

Nov 12, 2012 23:29

even when the world againts u.. i'll Always support u..

i really feels sorry towards super junior, some of the fans who called themself an 'ELF' badmouth Super Junior about their flaws...
compared them to the younger one.. *they cant always b young*
or just love them bcoz of their look..
or bash the member who isn't their bias.. just...
u dont need to be an ELF to like Super Junior when they r FAMOUS only...
u dont need to be an ELF to like Super Junior's GOOD side only...
u dont need to be an ELF to like Super Junior's PERFECTNESS only, coz they are NOT perfect... thats whats make them HUMAN...
an ELF love them with WHATEVER super junior is...
an ELF love every member of Super Junior n always support them, even we have our own bias, we'll still support the other member's decisions... always protect them... n respect their privacy...
DONT claim urself an ELF if u cant do that...
An ELF will never abandon Super Junior...

i'll always support u Super Junior...
Saranghaeyo Super Junior...

i'll wait 4 u n give ur dongsaeng a lot of support n love them with all of my heart...
Super Junior Hwaitiiiiiiiiiiiiiing b(>o<)d

super junior, elf

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