Picture it. You're off living your daily life--you know, fighting dragons, going to school, curing HIV, whatever the Hell it is you sick minded freaks do for entertainment. Regardless, it looks like it's shaping up to be your run of the mill day--
Suddenly, that soda machine you were standing next to? That dishwasher? Large Hadron Collider? It has arms. About twenty of those sweet fuckers and before you can even blink a claw at the end of one of them's got you by your face and you're slammed against the nearest hard surface. If you're still conscious at this time and if you can see between the metal fingers of death you see that harmless appliance has suddenly transformed into a white robot. A white robot with a very distinct '>:(' looking face blinking on its black monitor. You can struggle all you want, but it doesn't seem to mind beating you to a bloody pulp at a sign of resistance. Whether you still have some of that tragic hero spirit left or if your puny mind is still comprehending what is happening, the damn thing takes off flying and you feel yourself being dragged with it. You must have done something to piss it off, perhaps snapping out of your stupor and trying to grab onto something, because there's a blur to the side of your face and you are out like a light.
You wake up on numerous occasions, but not long enough to really grasp where you are. You drink something, and then your mind goes to limbo from there. Trippy colors, disturbing little creatures frolicking through a meadow while a rainbow soars overhead. Nothing really sticks with you until a man in purple appears before you. He smiles brightly, adjusts the top hat upon his head before twirling his cane.
"Welcome"'he says sounding oddly like that one neighbor you had when you were young who always offered candy to your friends, giving your forehead a jab with the end of his cane"'to Superjail!"
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