Halloween stuff

Sep 26, 2008 23:37

I found my hood! Erm. Years ago, I bought a black hood for a Halloween costume, the kind that lets you see through it from the inside but not the outside, perfect for a ghost or somesuch. But then I couldn't find it again and I thought I'd somehow lost it forever. So every years since then I've been bummed that I didn't have my black hood (and the costume shop never seems to stock them, maybe because it's unsafe for children to be running around with black hoods over their faces).

I have an idea for a Halloween costume. A horrible, no good, very bad idea for a costume. The dorkiest idea ever for a costume. So today I tried on the face paint, and to check very roughly how it might look in a completed state, I put on a costume military jacket that I used for a Halloween years ago when I was in Minnesota. And my hand naturally went to the pocket, and pulled out the hood! It won't work with this year's costume, because face paint and full-face hoods don't usually go together, but hooray anyway!

Test photos might be forthcoming, but, really, horribly dorky idea.
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