The Best Movies of My Life, Part 20

Feb 18, 2008 20:48

(Yes, part 20. No, you didn't miss a whole bunch of reviews, I just haven't gotten around to writing them.)

February 4
Star Wars
How do I even review this? Obviously, the cultural influence is all-pervasive, and the characters are unforgettable (well, iconic by design). But watching the original version again for the first time in many years, I was caught off guard by the odd pacing (the first 15 minutes is practically all about the droids) and the fact that so much of the action takes place off the screen or in dialog. I remember it being a huge deal when it came on HBO when I was a kid - my mom made popcorn, I put on my footie pajamas - and then I fell asleep before the story really got going. Maybe that's why C3PO was my favorite character, and I didn't know who Han Solo was.

February 8
American Splendor
Paul Giamatti is great, of course, and Harvey Pekar's an adorable curmudgeon. With all the improbable heroes in movies, it's nice to see an ordinary guy who found success by writing about ordinary people living ordinary lives. Judah Friedlander (from 30 Rock) gives a performance that seems over-the-top, but the scene that justifies that performance is probably my favorite in the movie.

movies, reviews

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