FIC: Freshman Year (House, House/Cuddy, PG-13)

Feb 01, 2010 12:16

Title: Freshman Year
Author: olaf47
Fandom/Pairing: House, House/Cuddy
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Summary: Lisa Cuddy's freshman year at Michigan in ten drabbles.
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine. The words are.
A/N: Written for michigandreams. Multiple
August: Cuddy, Bruce Springsteen
September: Cuddy, ambition
October: House/Cuddy, first meeting
November: House/Cuddy, first snow, snowball fight, snow angels
December: House/Cuddy, boyfriend, jealous
January: House/Cuddy, late night diner visits
February: House/Cuddy, spark, midterm week, House carries sleeping Cuddy
March: House/Cuddy, open-mic night
April: House/Cuddy, hickeys
May: House/Cuddy, promises


Her parents help her move everything up three flights of stairs to her new home. She lets them fuss a little, rolls her eyes, and sends them on their way.

She organizes the room, a 9’ by 9’ hole that she already loves. It’s a single-no roommate to argue with over sides of the room or what can and cannot go on the walls. Lisa plasters an entire wall with pictures ripped out of medical journals: MRIs and CTs and sonograms. The prime real estate, though, above the bed, has to go to her full-sized poster of Bruce Springsteen.


Her organic chemistry professor is the hardest to win over, as though there’s no way a freshman could possibly be fit to be in his class. But Lisa works, hard, and she’s smart, and eventually Professor Eriks learns her name and even starts smiling at her.

College is fun. For as much as she works, she does have a social life-a good group of friends and maybe a party on the weekend. But whenever her mom asks about boys-which is every time they talk-Lisa says nothing. There are more important things.

She’s going to be a doctor.


She only overhears a sentence, but she knows who he is. Greg House, med student asshole extraordinaire. Not something she wants to deal with today.

But he sees her, slides next to her as she walks.

“It’s Lisa, right?” he asks.

She’s surprised; he sounds almost polite and possibly even nervous. Still, she doesn’t give him a chance.

“If you go by House, you can call me Cuddy,” she snaps.

He grins like he was hoping for a challenge.

“Bet I can win you over in less than two months.”

She rolls her eyes and ducks into a women’s bathroom.


It’s almost midnight and she’s in bed when something smacks against her window. Two more thwacks before she gets up to investigate.

House is standing under the window, grinning up at her.

It snowed.

She pulls her jacket and snow pants over her pajamas, takes the stairs three at a time.

Campus is quiet besides the two of them, hurling packed snow at each other and shrieking with laughter. When they tire, snow in their pants and shirts and shoes, they fall to the ground next to each other.

House makes a snow angel and Cuddy feels like kissing him.


Jeremy Renkiss asks her out in the beginning of December. She shouldn’t- it’s almost finals and then it’ll be break and they won’t even see each other- but he’s cute enough and seems nice, so she says yes.

He takes her to coffee and a movie, and it’s fun. At the end of the night, he kisses her gently and doesn't try for anything more. She likes that.

“So what’s this I hear about a boyfriend?” House says the next time he sees her.

She rolls her eyes and is sure she was making up the jealousy in his tone.


When she returns to campus after the holidays, House is playful. He hadn’t gone home for break, and perhaps a few weeks away from people dampened his dislike for them.

As it is, he laughs and teases her and makes her come over to watch some movie he discovered over break. She spends most of it analyzing the distance between them on the couch.

After, he leaps up. “C’mon. I’m starving.”

He leads her, fingers tight around her wrist.

They end up at some 24-hour diner, mostly empty at 1 a.m. House won’t stop grinning.

“Get the flapjacks. They’re fantastic.”


Jeremy is long gone, but there’s still nothing between Lisa and House but a spark she tries to ignore. Still, midterm week, she spends most of her time at his apartment. Just because he doesn’t want to date her doesn’t mean she’s not going to pick his brain about developmental biology.

She falls asleep on top of her books around three. He comes back from the kitchen with coffee to find her open-mouthed, face stuck to page 154 of her textbook.

He puts down the mugs, slips his arms around her.

The next morning he brings her breakfast in bed.


She can’t figure out how House feels, and it’s infuriating. He won’t make a move.

But they’re friends, good friends, and so when he tells her he’s playing at an open-mic night, of course she’ll be there to support him.

One hand in his pocket, the other ruffles his scraggly hair as he stands in front of the bar. “This one’s for you.”

She recognizes it, a song he’s been tinkering with as she studies at his place, and when he glances up from the piano, he looks at her.

She lets him finish the song before she kisses him.


He spends the next month giving her hickeys everywhere. She buys too many scarves.

But covering her shoulders is hard, and she has to wear leggings under her skirts because she let him spend too long on her knees. Her knees.

He loves leaving teeth marks on her collarbones or a spattering of hickeys on the inside of her thighs. It means she can’t wear his favorite tennis outfit, but he thinks it’s worth it.

Once she gives him a hickey in retaliation, but the next day he grins and plays Frisbee shirtless, a purple-red bruise blooming on his neck.


They don’t talk about the summer until suddenly it’s there-Lisa at his door after her last exam.

She has a bag for her things that have accumulated in his apartment over the semester. He doesn’t look at her as she packs.

When he tells her he loves her, she laughs, refuses to cry. She kisses him hard.

He breaks away, hands on either side of her face, holding her still, foreheads pressed together. She’s not going to cry, she’s not going to cry.

“Swear you’ll never leave me,” he whispers it and she cries after all. “Promise.”

“I promise.”

round one: posting

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