Dec 19, 2005 16:06
Body: ***W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R***
1. pierce your nose or tongue?: tongue BUT i would RATHER none
2. be serious or be funny?: there is a time for everything but i say funny
3. drink whole or skim milk? skim (prefer 2%)
***A R E Y O U***
1. simple or complicated: it depends but i think maybe complicated
***D O Y O U P R E F E R***
1. flowers or angels? flowers
2. grEy or black? grey ...dumbbutts on this deal dont even know how to spell grEy right
3. color photos or black and white? color
4. lust or love? love
5. sunrise or sunset? sunset
6. M&Ms or Skittles?: Skittles
7. rap or rock? rock
8. staying up late or waking up early? wakin up early
9. eating apples or oranges? apples
***A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y***
1. do you like anyone? YES
2. do they know it? im pretty darn sure they do, yes
***D O Y O U P R E F E R***
1. being hot or cold? cold
3. Winter or Fall? WINTER
4. left or right? left
5. having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends? 2 best friends
6. sun or rain? sun
7. vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? CHOCOLATE!!!
8. boys or girls? chicks if its what i think its askin
9. vodka or Jack? neither
***A B O U T Y O U***
1.What time is it? 4:10
2.Name? Anthony
3.Nickname(s): "ron friggen barkner" "bud" "froner" "miller" not man of em thp
***W H A T D O Y O U W A N T***
1.Where do you want to live? michigan or cali
2.How many kids do you want? 2
3.What kind of job do you want? one that pays alot and i enjoy
4.Do you want to get married? of corse
***U N I Q U E***
1. Nervous Habits? i tap my pencil, bounce my legs, and pace around
2. Are you double jointed? naah
3. Can you roll your tongue? yes
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? no ive tried and it makes me look dumb
5. Can you cross your eyes? yes
6. Wiggle your ears? haha YEA its fun, i feel like alfalfa
7. Do you make your bed daily? not before school but on breaks/weekends yes
***C L O T H E S, E T C***
1. Which shoe goes on first? usually left
2. ever thrown one at someone? ha all the time (PC)
3. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? $35
4. What jewelry do you wear? necklace
***F O O D***
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl, its best
2. Have you ever eaten Spam? heck yea its delicious, i like turkey spam the best
3. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? 4
4. What's your favorite beverage? propel to the max
5. What's your favorite restaurant? tx. rd. house OR delucas
6. Do you cook? yea, somewhat
***G R O O M i N G***
1. How often do you brush your teeth? twice
2. Hair drying method: i dry it w/ a towel or i dry natural
3. Have you ever dyed/highlighted your hair? i have once and ill NEVER do it again
***M A N N E R S***
1. Do you swear: nope
2. Do you ever spit: when i brush my teeth, or in pc when i get that cotton mouth deal
3. You cook your own food: if my mom doesnt wanna cook
4. You do your own chores?: tsshhh yea
5. You get laid today? nope
6. You like beef jerky? of corse
7. You like pepsi or coke? pepsi is preferable but i dont drink soda much
8. You plan on going to college? stink yea
9. You're happy with your hair? i need to get a hair cut
10. You own a dog? yes
11. You spend your money wisely? yea
12. You're always making new friends? not really but to an extent yea
13. You like to swim? friggen yea its awesoem
14. You got bored so you call a friend? jenna/liz/nick/megan
15. You're patient? heck no, not at all, but sometimes i HAVE to be for my own good
In the last month have you...
1. Had sex: no
2. Bought something: yup
3. Gotten sick: no
4. Sang: yes
5. Been kissed: no
7. Felt stupid: kinda, so yes
8. Missed someone: stink yea,
9. Got drunk: noooo
10. Gotten high: nooo
11. Danced crazy: dont think so
12. Gotten your hair cut: got it thinned
13. Watched cartoons: no
14. Lied: no im pretty sure i didnt
***Last Person that...***
1. Slept in your bed besides yourself: my puppy
2. Saw you cry: dont think anyone, or my dad when my dog died
3. Made you cry: my dog, (died)
4. You went to the movies: nick probably, it was like a super long time ago tho
5. You went to the mall with: my step bro
7. You went to dinner with: family (mom/
8. You talked on the phone with: dad
9. Said 'I love you' to you: dad/om
10. Broke your heart: hasent been "broken" yet, not even bruised
11. Made you laugh: my cat, hes a dummy head
12. Bought you something: my grandma
13. Hugged you: my dad
**Have You Ever...**
1. Said "I Love You" and meant it: of corse, never havent meant it, those words mean tooo much to not mean it
2. Got in a fight with pet:dont think so, but we have argued (hahaha whats up?)
3. Been to California: YES
4. Been to Mexico: YES
5. Been to China: nope, and dont wanna
6. Been to Canada: YES
7. Been to Europe: nope but i wanna go to spain
8. Wished you were the opposite sex: no way jose
9. Snuck out of your house: yea when i was way young my mom sent me to my room and i went out my window and went swimming in the pool but she seen me run across the yard cuz she was doin dishes
10. Gave money to a homeless person: no way, its their fault they are homeless usually
11. Surfed: YEEESSSS!!!
what time is it now? 4:25