Apr 28, 2004 23:39
so tonight i was at dinner with zach and mark when i saw some of my other friends looking for a table, and since the place was packed, i invited them to sit with us. the table was sort of in 2 different conversations...mark and zach trailing off about one thing..and the other girls talking about something else. i was somewhat going back and forth...and it was cool that i was able to balance the two extremely different groups of friends at the same time.
so maggie, this really cool girl that i hadnt spent that much time with, but completely organized the entire housing situation..and she was there tonight at dinner..and we were sitting next to each other. now this girl is blatantly honest, but not in a bad way where you feel uncomfortable like she's betraying other people's confidence.. just that she'll totally tell you everything straight, and i love that.
maggie is actually my roomate for next year (nicole)'s roomate now. so, as the honest person that she is, she told me all about nicole random habits and tendencies..feeling that i should be prepared and know a little something about my roomate for next year. now, nicole is a bio major, so i already assumed she did a lot of hw involved, however, i learned that this is not the case. in fact, i have found that she's somewhat of a hermit..she's a cool hermit, but does hang around in the room a lot. (which isnt so bad, cuz i'm barely in the room.) maggie also said that nicole used her as a crutch for plans...(but i shouldnt worry about this due to the fact that we're not friends so she cant really do that.)
oh, and then maggie told me about a conversation between the two of them... it involved Nicole saying that she figured we'd (as in me and her) be either really good friends next year, or hate each other. to which maggie responded: "well, it doesnt seem like michelle harbors much hostility or hate towards anyone, so if there's hate, it's all coming from you." what a thing to say to someone....but for me, ISNT THAT AWESOME??? lol.
(obviously she didnt know me and tara in the beginning of the year! or dan, really. but otherwise i dont hate anyone. annoyed with? yes. dont appreciate? yes. hate? no.) and tara and i are mad cool now.
but i'm still not worried about nicole, altho maggie warned against possible suffocation. but i have a lot of different groups of friends, i'm not really worried about it. THEN maggie told me about the time nicole yelled at her for drinking. THAT WILL NOT OCCUR. but then she told me that she drank, and i have told her all these random stories of my drunkenness/stonedness....she does have some understanding of the current situation. current situation as in i enjoy substance abuse. (wow, that sounded ghonto.) but isnt that so nice of maggie....she only met me once, and she feels that i cant hate everyone. i like that.
oh, and oddness...i've seen falz every 3 seconds for the past few days. he got blue colored contacts (which i find to be mad ghonto) and dyed his hair a color very close to black. it just looks awkward, or not. idk. but his being really friendly is weird, bc all his friends dont know whether to hate me or like me again. so i get mixed emotions from when they see me, y'know? and i understand that this doesnt really matter, hell, i've been hated (or not exactly but close) before, J2O knows what i'm talking about. but yea, Falz. maggie described him as the human definition of grossness. LOVE HER.
oh, and one more thing about a girl that i totally bonded with over an hour in the caf: she helped me define the things i want out of a guy, or that i'm sure everyone wants..but idk, she said it in fun ways.
They must have:
1. Essence (ugly sexy allowed, but essence must then be super strong)
2. Intelligence (preferably someone that can do more than discuss the latest Dave Chappelle show)
3. Social skills. (i refuse to date anyone that has difficulty doing my most favorite thing ever. socializing.)
4. Motivation (i refuse to date slackers, or people who whine when they dont do anything to further their situation)
5. Optimism. (i can not handle people that hate everything. that's boring and retarded)
ok, i think i'm done for maggie. and now i must take care of the french. lol.