Oct 16, 2007 15:34
Finally saw “Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus” this weekend. I really liked it, but wow, it was so much like Secretary. Everything about it-how all the actors whisper their lines, the coloring and ambience of the set, the theme of personal growth and exploration of ‘unconventional’ desires. You’d swear it was like, the same characters, just transported to a new place and time. Nicole Kidman’s mannerisms were totally Lee Holloway-esque, and when Robert Downey whispers “Diane, closssse your eyessss,” all I could think was “fffffour peas.” My husband had some issues with the ‘imaginary portrait” concept. He thought the film was interesting enough to stand on its own and it was ridiculous and irresponsible that they would “use” Diane Arbus in this way. He thought it would have been far more interesting to keep the story exactly the same, but just change the names, and then the educated viewer could speculate as to whether it is really “about” Diane Arbus and the uneducated viewer would not be given fictitious impressions of what she was like. So, I could see his point, but on the other hand I totally get the Imaginary Portrait concept. It’s just like taking your Real Person Fiction to the extreme and actually making it into a feature film.(oooh, I want to). I like that term better than RPF. Imaginary Portrait. Very cool. Anyway, it was really good film, (although it fell into beauty-and-the-beast clichés a bit at times). But the ending was beautiful and it amazed me how Robert Downey Jr. still manages to look sexy with Chewbacca hair all over his being.