3s OF ME

Dec 10, 2010 11:16

tagged by josylovesjun

3s of ME

More about me... )


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Can I answer to this (funny) questionnaire? miyarale_kin November 18 2012, 01:16:37 UTC
Good evening Michele-chan!Midori desu [from 'WakuWaku_Arashi'].
I'm visiting WakuWaku_members's livejournal in order to know them better and also to reciprocate them the visit they made to community~By the way,I'm also a member of your community 'Mirai no Iro'.
You know Michicha-chan,I do enjoy this kind of questionnaire girl!It's fun,isn't?And the first I must say is:I THINK 'MICHICHA' IT'S REALLY FUNNY,NOT WEIRD BUT ORIGINAL!Aahuauhahua!When you applied your membership and I saw your username,the very first thing I thought was,"FUNNY!".It's like...by 'michicha' you end up thinking,"must be a funny person huh..."!
Then,leaving aside the 'cool Michicha',I could see that we have some things in common you know...I ♥ CSI [Las Vegas] and Chicken Parmigiana as well - though they are not my favorites ne?
Now...I have some questions about this...1)If I'm going to answer to it,should I do it in my own livejournal,right?And if so,do I really have to tag 26 people?!ahuauhauha!That's too much!Baah~...this is tough...kkkkk!
Anyway Michicha-chan,it was a pleasure to know you a little better guria~Have a nice popcorn day girl.Agepoyo~♪

山本 みどり


Re: Can I answer to this (funny) questionnaire? michicha November 19 2012, 02:18:21 UTC
Hey Midori-chan, how have you been? *waves*

Thanks for visiting my LJ, although it's been a while since I last updated it *hides*

Well, I bet you laughed when you saw my username ne, it was sort of a nickname given to me by a close friend who wanted to make fun of me LOL. It's so weird but you know, it's very easy to remember. Even my boss calls me Michicha here and there! LOL

It's good to see that we have things in common besides Arashi. ^^ You can visit me here anytime, I hope the next time I have more insteresting things for you to see.

Ah, as for the "3s of Me", you can post your answers on your own LJ, and you can tag as many people as you want. I myself didn't tag 26 people either. I'd really like to see your answers^^

I can see that you're not from SP neh. The "baaahhh" made me laugh! I love it! LOL

Have a great Popcorn day yourself.

Hope to see ya around soon!



Re: Can I answer to this (funny) questionnaire? miyarale_kin November 23 2012, 01:05:42 UTC
[Since we're both Brazilian,I'll use the portuguese ahuauhauha...]

Hi Michicha-chan,tô de boa na canoa guria,espero que esteja tudo às pampas contigo também!Eu achei criativo teu apelido guria,é bem Aiba-poi não?E só de tentar imaginar a cena do teu chefe dizendo,"Hey Michicha,faça isso!Michicha,faça aquilo!Michicha!Michicha..."Sounds fun!

Tu sabes Michicha-chan,que eu encontrei algumas idéias de posts trilegais nos livejournals das WakuWaku_members que eu andei visitando!Assim como este "3s of Me"!Baah que eu farei um post disso sim,porque eu acho trilegal responder esse tipo de questionário~Será meu próximo post!

E sim,não sou de Sampa não guria,sou gaúcha made in PoA mesmo tchê!Barbaridade ne?!ahuauhahuauha~Now,I have to ♪Step and Go♪!

P.S.:Editando meu comments michicha-chan,já que eu finalmente consegui fazer meu '3s of ME'!Baah~que eu achei até difícil escolher apenas 3!!!Caso sejas do teu interesse guria,sinta-te à vontade para conferir minhas respostas depois.Have a nice Freestyle day michicha-chan!


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