Whose idea is this? and WHY?

Jan 10, 2007 12:18

I just received the following e-mail. I swear, this is the exact e-mail:

Due to renovation and classroom renumbering in Daniels Hall, your class will now meet in DAN 434, even though your printed class schedule may show DAN 429.  DAN 434 is the new number of the classroom that was previously numbered DAN 429.  The room has not changed locations, but the number has changed.  New signs will be in place soon.  Please report to the old DAN 429 which is the new 434 room for class.  (There is an office labeled 434, that is the old 434.  Class will not be held in the office previously labeled 434.)


I want so badly to understand this! I got to class fine, but...what? The labels haven't changed. So the "old" 434 is not "previously labeled" it's still 434. and 429 is still labeled 429, except for a sign on the door that you aren't allowed to enter by. So...why? Why changed the numbers? Why send us an e-mail if we're all already going to the right location?


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