Title: Ride my sleigh tonight?
Pairing: Angela with some Paire
Word Count: 250 words
Rating: R
A/N: Nobody wants to give me a beta for Xmas? *look* Written for the Santa suit prompt at
12daysofpaireSorry! I know it's a day late but I haven't been home since Thursday.
Angela Petrelli is on the Children’s Hospital board, of course she is.
When the holidays begin is her who is orchestrating fundraises and parties to help the children, she apparently cares so much. Every detail must be supervised by her, and when the man who was supposed to be Santa broke an arm and leg hours before delivering the presents for the kids, she brings on the family guilt.
Nathan was currently on Washington with an enormous case and couldn’t leave a hearing just to please his mother, that didn’t stop her from trying.
Her only option was her youngest, and that one was a handful.
He surprised her with only one condition, if he was going to be Santa, then Claire was going to be his elf. That got him both women’s glare.
Peter was charming with every children, completely in character, talking with them and whispering things that made them laugh. Claire by his side, entertained everybody else while helped with the gifts.
Afterwards, she found a trail of red and green clothes, Christmas costumes actually, that leaded her across the corridor to an examination room. She didn’t need to open the door to know what was going on inside, the sound of things crashing, groans, swears and high pitched giggles.
Wanna ride Santa’s sleigh?!
Angela gritted her teeth trying to compose herself, and left the hallway in a hurry.
Next year she’ll hire two Santas to be sure, family couldn’t be trust to maintain a proper image.