
Mar 15, 2005 20:39

Section 1
- Most hated nickname: I love them all
- Type of burial and location of burial: Either a traditional burial or scatter my ashes into the ocean
- Hopeful Death Year: um...2057ish
- Lowest GPA ever: 3.3
- Favorite Evil Thing to say or do: Um...I'm very sarcastic. Does that count?
- Is your tongue long, medium or short: Medium
- Hair color: Black
- Eye color: Dark Brown
- Style: Down?

Section 2 - Have You Ever
- Cheated on someone?: Nope
- Been Cheated on?: Don't think so
- Fallen off the bed?: Not while sleeping
- Broken someone’s heart?: Possibly
- Had your heart broken?: Yup
- Had a dream come true?: Nah
- Done something you regret?: Not really.
- Cheated on a test: I've helped someone cheat

Section 3 - Currently
- Wearing?: Faded black sweater, shirt that Jill made me, jeans
- Listening to?: Marcy Playground - Sex and Candy
- Located?: At home
- Chatting with?: No one
- Watching?: Nothing
- Should REALLY be doing? Weight lifting...

Section 4 - Do You
- Brush your teeth?: Yup
- Have any piercings?: Yeah
- Drive?: Love it
- Drink?: Not regularly
- Smoke?: Sorry folks, I like my lungs.
- Like to give hugs?: Heck yes I do!
- Like to give kisses?: Yup
- Prefer black or blue pens?: I like them both.
- Like to travel?: I would love to, but lack the funds
- Sleep on your side, stomach or back?: Side or back
- Have a goldfish?: Yes
- Ever have the falling dream?: Yup
- Have stuffed animals?: Millions of them

Section 5 - The Last Person You
- Hugged?: Jill hugged me, but I didn't hug her back
- Kissed?: Chris...
- IMed?: My brother
- Talked on the phone: Jenna
- Yelled at?: I don't know.

Section 6 - Personal
- What do you want to be when you finish college?: TV producer
- What has been the best day of your life?: One of those times I spent time with my special someone
- Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Crush
- What are you most scared of?: Being alone
- What do you usually think about before you go to bed? I honestly don't know. It's always changing.
- Love your family?: Yeah

Section 7 - Favorite
- Movie: The Lion King!
- Band: Tool
- Store: Don't have one.
- Relative: My bro

- Sport: racketball
- Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla or Chocolate, depends on my mood
- Fruit: Mango, pear, banana, strawberries
- Candy: I dunno...Reese's
- Day of the Week: Saturday
- Color: Purple, pink, black
- Name for a Girl: Serena, Katrina
- Name for a Boy: Adrian, Damien

Section 8 - What Do You Think About
- Abortion: Pro-Choice
- Suicide: Don't do it, there's always someone that loves you.
- Smoking: Wouldn't do it, but don't really care
- Eating disorders: Not in favor of
- Summer: AWESOME
- Tattoos: Love 'em and can't wait to get one.
- Piercings: Love those too!

Section 9 - This or That
- Pierced nose or tongue?: tongue
- Single or taken?: Single
- MTV or BET?: VH1 Mega Hits
- 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: Dawson's Creek
- Sugar or salt?: Sugar
- Silver or gold?: White Gold
- Chocolate or flowers?: Flowers
- Color or Black-and-white photos?: Black and white always look classy
- M&Ms or Skittles?: Depends on my mood
- Stay up late or sleep in?: Staying up late
- Hot or cold?: Warm
- Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup
- Spring or Fall?: I'll tell you after I've experienced fall on the east coast
- Happy or sad?: Happy
- Wonder or amazement?: A little of both
- Mexican or Italian: I think I like Mexican food better
- Candy or Soda?: Water
- Pepsi or Coke?: Water
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