Aug 06, 2002 01:19
Ur, hi. (Just realized this is the first time I've directly responded to anything they've said, heh. Cool. Hehe) Anyway. So that's my clue, huh? Gay. I so already knew you went to school with me; you had to. I know who your friend is too. Cuz it was always one of two people. Give me a clue that doesn't insult my intelligence. Even though I am pretty sure I know who you are anyway. I'm not accusing anyone. In fact, I didn't even ask for clues. I had no idea you wanted me to know who you were. It was an accident.
Honestly, let's just cut through the bullshit and antagonism. I don't want to fight with you. That's not what I'm about. You wanted me to admit that I'm bitter, so I will. I am bitter about the Justin situation. He meant a lot to me, and he hurt me. So, if that's what you wanted, you've got it. If you wanna leave more clues, go ahead. This is the most interesting thing that's happened to me in days, so. :) Heh. It's cool. But honestly, all the mean things my friends have said to you ... I didn't tell them to say those things. I don't want to be mean. So ... just keep that in mind next time you choose to say something. Cuz some of the things you've said have hurt my feelings, and there's not really any apparent reason for them. Good night. :) -Michelle
Oh and DAMN YOU for getting Eminem stuck in my head ALL DAY!! LOL. :D
fuck this shit!,