Jul 02, 2004 21:06

malicioustwist (8:05:26 PM): hey, i am so drunk!
adoRablEigRushkA (8:05:35 PM): woohoo!
adoRablEigRushkA (8:05:37 PM): i wish i was!
malicioustwist (8:06:27 PM): it is nice!

Which was fun; I was excited that he'd IMed me. I always feel so special when he IMs me. But then he asked for my number so he could call me. Excitement! It was so much fun to hear what he sounds like, cuz he's from England. And British accents are yummy!! It was so so so so so so cool to talk to him, yayish!! Then I went downstairs to chill with Amanda and when I came back I noticed this:

malicioustwist (8:31:51 PM): I like your accent lots!

plus a text message on my phone that said, "You have a hot accent." Oh my goodness, omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!!! That made my fucking night. I've been waiting for someone to say that to me, yes yes yes. Karl is the fucking shit. Woot.

But I miss Patrick and don't know where he is.
And yes, I know I have lots of explaining to do, but it will just have to wait until tomorrow.
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