Mar 18, 2004 23:30
My haiku came out in French!!
l'un ni l'autre je crois Neither one nor the other, I believe
en des choses spirituelités in the spiritual things
c'est possible être it is possible to be.
Ha, that's pretty cool.
Tonight Courtney rushed in to Brent's room, where I was watching Tivo, and told me that there was a roach in our room. Poor thing. She was hysterical, because it was on the wall right above her bed. I armed myself with a can of Raid and Courtney with a shoe. When I sprayed the roach, he flew right at us and we both screamed the scream of someone who is being stabbed. (We got a little bit of attention from that, believe me.) Ashley (our R.A.) and Jen (our suitemate) came in, and helped us kill it. Courtney was so brave. She killed it with the very shoe she was wearing. Jesus Christ. Courtney threatened to sue the school, but she was tearful and hysterical at that point, so I don't know. But I would totally back her up.
There's more stuff, but I'm tired. Soccer game yesterday. Plus tons of drawings I want to show you. But later, perhaps. I feel like a need a shower just from looking at that disgusting roach.