May 06, 2002 06:45
Ok, when did it get to be the LAST night of doing work? WHEN did it get to be almost 7am on a day that I have a final and a presentation after NO sleep? When did it get to be the LAST day of my college career!? When did I start loving this place so much? When did I meet all these important people? Woah, I'm about to have issues.
This is gonna be short because I didn't go to sleep yet and I have a final (the last one!) at 8:45 followed by my final IKEA campaigns presentation. three days things have completely changed....and for some reason even PEOPLE seem a good way though!
FIRST, school is almost over! One more day! TODAY! After's done! Unless, of course, I fail finance! And maybe even Com Law, considering the final is in 2 hours and I've been up all night doing campaigns.
AND! Amy got accepted into the New York City Teaching Fellows program and will be teaching in NYC for two years! AND, they're paying for her masters! And she's so excited! So if you know Amy tell her how awesome she is!
AND...Keith is the best...he gets better every day and lately he says things and I just look at him and laugh because he exists and sometimes I can't think of anything better in the whole world except that I know him!'s the biggest news EVER of MY LIFE! I got a job! Michelle! Michelle got a job! I'm still really scared that they're going to be like, "Oh! YOU! We didn't mean to make YOU an offer!" And so I'm not telling many people...just the millions of people who use the internet...or billions. I don't know. Anyway, so starting on May 20th (provided they don't find out that I watch Dirty Dancing and pretend to be Baby) I'll be an Assistant Media Planner with McCann-Erickson in New York! YAY! The best thing ever was when I was in the elevator in the building three people walked in and this conversation took place:
GIRL: I used to be really good at that Nintendo game called "Spelunker"
BOY1: I remember that one...wasn't is about caves and stuff?
(They all walk out of the elevator)
I dunno, it made me laugh. So that's that! I think about it all the time and can't believe that in two weeks I'll have a 401k! Who do I think I am!?
And this happened also in the city:
Keith and I were lost and couldn't find 9th so I rolled down my window to ask a fireman who was sitting on the top of a big red truck...
ME: Do you know where 9th is!?
FIREMAN #1: Sure...blah, blah, blah...
FIREMAN #2: Hii...and ladder #24 is right down that street...feel free to go there too!
It was funny. I wanted to go.
Ew, and some lady called me a bitch for blocking her walkway. Then Keith made some comments that I won't say because I'd have to type one of the three words on my list of things I'm not gonna type.
AND LEE CAME TO VISIT!! Lee is Keith's brother and is the absolute cutest thing in the world. Although I think he'd rather I say that he's a tormented soul with an angst ridden mind. He's the best! And we're gonna hang out every day this summer!
And NOW I really have to go study for Com Law and be able to explain the four part test for fair use. THEN I get to stand up and talk about IKEA and media and THEN I get to come back and go to sleep! AND THEN I get to realize how much I love the people I've met. I'm sad to leave.
And Mary was so excited for me and it made me so absolutely happy! And EVERYONE OUT THERE...I'm going to miss you silly people!