May 16, 2006 09:58
So.. the chick flick was pretty sad. Yeah.. but I went to bed at 8. Yeah.. Im a loser.
Umm.... I need to get an interview in with a girl soccer player for my brothers video.. Im kinda putting it off..
In the past two weeks or so I have been very lazy..
I just want this school year to be over with because I think, things will be better once it is over with.
Zahra now has a car which is pretty sweet, Im excited for her.
Anna works at olgas and I have yet to come in and visit her, which I should sometime.
Mitch is leaving soon.. it hasn't hit me yet. I need to help with the open house because I want him to have a sweettt open house like Chuck did. Im worried that the open house is going to be rushed and crappy and not as good as Chucks, and I won't go for that.
Hmm.. I could put together a photo thing..
I should probably clean my room.
Sorry these thoughts are very out of order.
Im giving up on looking for someone.. whatever it is can look for me.
My best friend just almost broke up with her boyfriend and now we are hanging out more.. Im feel guilty that I am actually happy about that.
Maybe my friendship with cameron will come back over the summer... if not there is nothing I can do. Right now I get annoyed of him easily which I feel really bad about.
But Im sure that people get annoyed of me easily too.
I kinda want to go fishing and camping. I miss going camping with the family when I was like 6 and we went every weekend and had random friends. I would love to go camping with some friends someday. Also sandboarding.. I really want to do that again.
I work three times this week which sucks. Im thinking I might see if I can go to the clean up party today and tomorrow to show that I care about my job and would like hours, I guess it depends if my dad will let me go, I will have to give Andrea a call.
I haven't been able to give the newbies at my work their test yet or anything, because theres the fact that I have been going able to work with them for a total of one shift.. ahhhh. BER is thursday and I think Andrea is crazy for only letting me work on that day. An applicant at Out Back is looking pretty good right now.
Lifes to short to worry. You gotta worry about whats happening at that moment. Lots of work to get done before firday and also saturday.. I can do it.. I can do anything if I try.. haha.. that sounded so corny.
love shell