I've only been a parishioner at my parish,
St. Joseph the Worker, for a couple of months. I registered sometime after May, although I haven't really technically been living in Utah since September. Be that as it may, for the six months I've been going, Masses have been held in Sister Fabian Hall because the old church was demolished; a new church is being built.
The church is coming along nicely, and even though the Dedication Mass isn't until December 19th, there's some hope that Mass will be said in the new church a week or two earlier than that. As such, Fr. Carley put out a call for folks to be Hospitality Ministers: These folks will be responsible for directing people, guiding them to restrooms, answering basic questions, etc. It didn't seem a difficult thing to sign up for, so I signed up. Fr. Carley and I played phone tag early last week, but since I didn't hear back from him, I tracked him down on Saturday after Mass and was asked if I would consider taking over the Baptism class. Apparently I gave off some type of Good-Catholic-and-Teacher Vibe when we had met for our Pre-Cana meeting a few weeks ago.
It seems a low stress commitment, since I'm guessing classes meet on an as-needed basic; Fr. Carley said the Baptism Class might meet 6-8 times a year, for an hour or so at a stretch. I pop in a video about the procedure, talk to the would-be parents about coming to church and the importance of building a relationship with their church, and then have the parents call Fr. Carley to make an appointment for a one-on-one meeting. I missed the first 20 minutes of tonight's meeting (and therefore most of the video), but it's definitely something I can handle.
Fr. Carley made noises about talking to me about the whole shebang at some point. Next weekend is the Pre-Cana
Engaged Encounter weekend, so Ed and I will be calling him next week for a follow-up appointment anyway.