Jun 09, 2005 18:39
I'm talking to Emma about college. We're having an interesting conversation.
Micalla518: where's cornell, again?
DeMB8510: the middle of nowheresville new york
DeMB8510: lol
Micalla518: lol
Micalla518: you can always call me
Micalla518: because storrs is really
DeMB8510: ditto w/ me too :)
Micalla518: middle of nowheresville ct
Micalla518: lol
DeMB8510: why do colleges luv to plant themselves in the middle of nowhere lol
Micalla518: lol that's a good question
Micalla518: it's like the founders were like
Micalla518: "there's no one for miles! Let's build a school!"
DeMB8510: hahaha that sounds accurate
Micalla518: "Just for shits and giggles, of course."