Submitted my last TEAM paper today! Yay! Now if/when I pass, I'll be able to apply for my provisional certificate, a step up from my initial that expires next year.
This is all provided our governor doesn't somehow get SB 24 passed through in our state. Our governor hates teachers and wants to eliminate the provisional certificate but the professional requires three years...which I'll barely have by the time I have to renew it. And I have to hold off applying for my 6th year degree until this is resolved as well because he wants to take away the pay increase for additional education and degrees over Master's.
Anyway, that got off topic, sorry! Back to happy things that we're proud of being able to share!
My friend Salvo's career has really taken off. It's been amazing watching him become so much more successful over the course of the past 6 months. In Italy, it really seems like he's become something of a celebrity, if not more!
Brani celebri e gran voce, applausi per Salvo RandazzoFamous songs and great voice, applause for Salvo Randazzo
Basically, the article talks about a concert that he just did in Monreale. There's also a little about his singing on Italia's Got Talent and future plans. Everyone loves him!