The Costa Concordia disaster was horrible. Honestly and truly a tragedy, and not in small part because it COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED if Captain Francesco Schettino wasn't showing off for people come un asino.
But God, you know what I love about Italians? (Besides the obvious...) They don't mince words and they're constantly covering their own asses to the amusement of everyone else because it's that unbelievable. Friggin' great. I laughed my butt off at this article, probably far more than I should have.
The New York Times: Captain of Stricken Vessel Says He Fell Overboard in Passenger PanicBullshit. He slipped and fell into a lifeboat? Really?
Some highlights (emphasis added by me):
"...the captain claimed he had slipped on deck and tumbled overboard, winding up in a lifeboat during the panicky passenger escape - not abandoned ship like a coward, as accused.
"I was trying to get people to get into the boats in an orderly fashion. Suddenly, since the ship was at a 60-to-70-degree angle, I tripped and I ended up in one of the boats. That’s how I found myself there."
"The drama has captivated Italy..." to which I say, DUH, it's drama!! That's their favorite!
And perhaps the best part,
'A sentence loosely translated into English as “Get back aboard! Damn it,” which Captain De Falco shouted at Captain Schettino, has already become a slogan emblazoned on T-shirts.'
Dude, it's so much worse in Italian - "Vada a bordo, cazzo!" means something a lot nastier and I'll let you Google Translate that one on your own. However, friggin' hilarious to put on a T-shirt, if you ask me. XD
I've got to ask Salvo what it's like on that side of the Atlantic next time I talk to him. In the meantime, he's posted his new song (heretofore unreleased) to youtube - "Il Fiume della Vita" ("The River of Life"). Enjoy, it's beautiful!!!
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