Today I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything

Sep 28, 2011 19:01


I have an addition to my list of alternate job titles (and just think, I have to teach on top of being all these other things!):
~Data Collector Extraordinaire
~Mission Control/NASA

Being one of the classrooms where the bus students wait is like being caught in the middle of a cage full of crazy chimpanzees and gibbons!!! (Seriously, look at the gibbon video and then multiply that sound by 20. I'm not even exaggerating.) Thank God that starting Monday, I'm on parent-pick-up duty.

*puts her feet up*

Brought home my math tests to grade, and then realized I forgot my scoring guide as soon as I walked through the door. It sounds stupid that I would even need one because obviously, I know if they got 2+9's just that some questions are worth more points than others. Oh well.

Hope everyone's having a nice night! :)


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