Lucky Me

Aug 29, 2011 20:00

While most of my town is without power, my little neighborhood remains well-lit with cable, internet and TV. Thank God.

That being the case, our house has been Grand Central Station for the past 36 hours - cousins, aunts and friends who come seeking entertainment and internet access! I can't complain, and to be honest, I don't really care.

But since the rest of the town is without power, school things have been canceled. Our staff development today was canceled last night, and our staff development tomorrow was canceled this afternoon. K, 6 and 9 won't be having orientation this year, either...hopefully, that means that we'll be in school tomorrow with the power restored, taking the whole day to get ready.

That is, if they deem conditions good enough to start school on Thursday!

It's going to be an interesting week. I think I'll go to the beach tomorrow.

hurricane, school

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