Mar 02, 2005 21:12
YAAAAAY! LOST!!! Hurley's backstory: "Numbers"
OMG it was so frelling creepy. A few highlights...
1) BOX COMPANY. Locke works there!!!
2) "I don't know...maybe there's a monster out there! Maybe it's a pissed-off giraffe!"
3) "Good old Fun-Time Hurley!" Who else besides me and Erica thinks that they're trying to make Hurley into a new Barbie doll? "Hey, look, kids! It's the new Fun Time Hurley Doll!" If they market it, I SO WANT ONE, lol! ;)
4) "Why didn't you tie it like I told you to?!" Great, Michael/Mercutio. You're a frelling genius. HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND ENGLISH. (except "bote." hehe)
5) When Hurley hugged Crazy Rosseau and she almost fell over...
HURLEY: *glomp*
DANIELLE: *flails*
ME: *snort*
6) Hurley, meet the TV set. TV, Hurley. *CRASH*
7) "Hurrrley, you're starrrting to gain weight again."
Where's the Cleolinda recap?