Here goes nothing.
Today, I spent over an hour and a half playing a song that I've played a jillion times, and it took me 53 takes before I got it right made it all the way through, even though I screwed it up in the middle. I think a little part of my perfectionist soul has been crushed.
It's an AIFF audio file (whatever that stands for), because Garage Band compressed it to that when it sent the file to iTunes. I hope it plays in your iTunes, because I tried to convert it to MP3 and it just kind of laughed in my face and refused to play again until I converted it back to .aif :(.
I should be prouder of my work, but I'm my own harshest critic! :( On the other hand, that means that any kind of criticism you guys give me will sound like a compliment in comparison, lol...
So, without further ado, please let me know what you think!! :)
Can You Feel The Love Tonight