I woke up headache-y and nauseous, so I stayed home from school.
Then I missed class.
Then I missed choir.
And mom and Joey came to visit because Joey was supposed to have wrestling practice in South Windsor, and we had dinner, and I finally felt better.
But, since I slept for half the day because I was feeling crappy, I'm now wired and it's 12:14 am and I need to try and sleep because I have to (ugh) go to my internship tomorrow. Don't get me wrong. I love the kids and I love to teach...I just have a lot on my plate right now with my portfolio and my classes and my family and friends.
And Stamford's been off all week because a lot of people still don't have power (since Saturday!) and they're still in crisis mode down there.
Although, let's be honest, if I really didn't have school, I probably wouldn't be as productive as I'd like.
And I thought my world-champion procrastinating days were over.
EDIT: And now I just changed the theme of my journal, instead of sleeping. Why, self, why?
It is rather nice, though, I think... *sigh*