Hey, even if money IS tight for me, I'm allowed to use a gift card and only spend $7.55 on a teacher book.
The above is not directed at anyone in particular. It's more of a justification for a "just because I need something to cheer me up" present.
The book is AMAZING, written by a fellow CT native currently teaching in NYC. It comes highly recommended, along with a shoutout to the UConn graduate program! :) I haven't even read it yet, but I perused the blog that it sprang from and the blog is AMAZING, so clearly the book must be AMAZING as well (and besides, all the girls in my cohort can't be wrong).
It's Not All Flowers and Sausages by Mrs. Mimi.
Check out this blog!!! Also, I've noticed that I've been friends-locking a lot of my posts lately. Not that I think this affects anyone who reads my blog, but between this and facebook, anything that could ever be construed as over a "PG" rating or that involves pictures/business of anyone in my family but me gets locked. Call me paranoid, but I keep hearing stories, threats and rumors - and I'm kind of planning on spending the next 35 years of my life working with young children. Again, not that it affects you. I'm just treading more carefully these days.
Other than that, really nothing to report for today. I was bored out of my skull all afternoon, and it wasn't until an hour ago that I realized all of the things that needed to be done before I head home for spring break. I guess my mind needed a vacation for a few hours... :)