Kids Say the Darndest Things.

Sep 11, 2007 23:31


Or rather, "Student-intern-ing-um...she's a junior in the Neag School of Ed and she's here for the semester..."
"Yeah, don't worry, I don't know what to call myself either."

Started yesterday with my clinical placement and I am UBER-excited for the rest of this year. The day could have been horrific seeing as how the teacher I was assigned to isn't even working there any more. But joy of joys! The History Dept. head took me under his wing. :) And he's from Stamford, too...weird and out of left field but very cool all the same!

I started out the day on the right foot. I wore my teacher clothes. I looked the part. Hee.
Pinstripe trousers and a collared shirt, a choice uniform.

So for the most part I'm in Global Studies classes. These kids are interesting, to say the very least. I got "Miss Battinelli!" "Miss B!" "MISS!! Yo, Miss!!" and a few "Hey you!"'s.

One particularly blonde freshman takes one look at me and goes, "Heeyyy, are you like a...T-I-T? Teacher-in-training?"
I wish I could tell you she was joking and trying to embarrass me, but she actually legitimately did not realize what she was saying, her reasoning being that since she was a CIT (Counselor-in-training) at her summer camp, clearly that made me a TIT. *facepalm* It was hilarious though, especially when she got it 5 minutes later lol!

Later in the lesson, Mr. Clark asks the class, "What happens when you cross the International Dateline?"*
Answer from the girl in the second row: "It gets dark?"
"No, no, I got this one! It turns PM! No, AM!"
Cut to Mr. Clark and Miss Battinelli completely losing it. My LORD that was funny.

But the absolute highlight of my day was when Michelle and I hit the grocery store later. My shirt is actually a short-sleeved jacket that goes over a cami, with a ruffly collar and slightly puffed (what I call "princess") sleeves.
I walked past this little toddler in a carriage, heard her say something but figured she was talking to her mother. Suddenly, her mother goes, "Miss? Scuse me, Miss?" I turn around and smile, hoping I didn't drop something or embarrass myself without knowing, but no matter. "Miss, I just have to tell you, my daughter just looked at me and said, 'Mommy, did I just see Snow White?' She thinks you look like Snow White."

Well, knock me over the head, never saw that one coming. "Oh! Thanks! I take that as a compliment!" Huge grin.
"It was meant as one!!"

It totally made my day. I have never been told that before.

I love kids!

*When you cross the International Dateline, the day changes

student teaching, snow white, first day

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