Jul 22, 2003 13:24
yup thats right im blogging again...two days in a row =D! i dont know im in a giddy mood right now...maybe its cuz i have no boss today, my meeting is over, and i had my sandwich and cookies for lunch.. =D hehehe...i almost choked on my sandwich today...im telling you i never learn...i like chew my food twice then swallow..hahahaha...ive gotten so use to it i just cough it back up...hahha i know thats gross i dont even know y im saying this...people get all worried when i do that but unless im turning blue im fine..=D i really should chew my food more ..o well...hehhehe what else?... I have class (CPA review) today til 10 yes i know fun...=P okay subject change or else i'll have to change my mood to yucky or to stressed...I just pray i pass all four parts the first time...is that too much to ask?!?! hehehe somehow im gonna have to get nerdy michelle to come out but she seems to be hiding out and the only michelle that sees to come out and play is procrastinator michelle...
oooo quick plug for my cousins they're playing the viper room this weekend for more info www.x-syndrome.com good luck cousins!! we'll be there in spirit!
okay time to get back to work and listening to michelle branch's song its you... such a sweet song awww.... i think the sugar rush i got from those cookies are dying down... good thing i have more... =D